Are you passionate about leading people?
“Passion alone can’t cut it. For passion to survive it needs structure. A why without how has little probability of success.” - Simon Sinek
Have you done all the standard leadership and management training programs before?
“Your problem is you are too busy holding on to your unworthiness.” – Ram Dass
Do you find your people and teams fall short of the results you are looking for?
“When pain, misery or anger happens, it’s time to look within you, not around you.” – Sadhguru
Leadership as we know it is essentially three dimensional. It hasn’t evolved or transformed for decades.
The universe is multidimensional.
Humans are multidimensional.
If we are to evolve for the future of humanity, transcendence is required. What we need now is five dimensional leadership. We need conscious human leadership.
Are you prepared to evolve to the next dimension?
Are you ready to take 100% accountability for yourself and your approach to how you lead and create followers?
Then the Conscious Human Leadership Program is the lever to support you ascending to a higher level.
Leadership in 2022 and beyond is a whole new ball game.
The old rules of business no longer apply.
You cannot use the same tricks and same level of thinking and expect to get better results.
If you want to truly go deeper, faster, more connected, more meaningful and have a bigger impact in your workplace and the world then you need to develop the skills of the conscious human leader.
High performing, high vibe, winning corporate cultures are created through the inspiration of conscious human leaders. Importantly, great corporate cultures can’t be copied, and they don’t just happen by chance.
If this is beginning to resonate– then you’re in the right place, read on!
This business environment in 2022 and beyond calls for new creative, more resourceful ways of collaborating and communicating.
Leadership styles that have transpired in the past have collectively led us to where we are today and it’s imperative that each person, team, and corporation takes responsibility for creating a more regenerative future tomorrow.
How today’s leaders respond to the current organisational climate will make the difference between our survival or dissolution as a society and in business.
We believe that passive and aggressive styles of unconscious leadership can lead to power plays, aggression, even perfectionistic behaviour and detract from one’s ability to create an optimal future. This thinking is energy draining and costs a lot of time and resources.
Research from Human Synergistics, the creator of the Lifestyles Inventory, demonstrates to us that when leaders are aligned with this five dimensional conscious approach, the following organisational outcomes result
· Better Profits
· Higher rates of Engagement
· Better Organisational Culture Scores
· Increased Productivity
· Reduced Workplace Conflict
· Greater Collaboration
· Increased Creativity
· Lower Staff Turnover
· Enhanced Staff Satisfaction
· More likely to attract better employees and become an employer of choice
Congratulations! Your level of consciousness has risen just from reading this page.
Humans naturally limit who they are, however we have the capacity and capability to open our minds and hearts to new ideas that push the morphogenetic field outward. Leadership is one such topic. We now need a new thought form, new definitions, new ways of thinking and feeling into leadership. As we increase our capacity to think interdimensionally we create new attractor fields that break through old thought forms and create new belief systems. As more of us think about this topic and these considerations, larger and larger fields will be created.
We are on the cusp of an evolution and we invite you to join us on this metamorphosis. As we share this information with others, we are in turn creating ever larger fields, breaking the bonds of force and falsehood and engaging power and truth. Uplevelling your awareness through the Conscious Human Leaders Program will not just increase your personal level of consciousness but will also advance Humanity.
This moment in our evolution is one that requires discernment as we effectively identify issues that represent truth, alignment and goodness for the future. As facilitators of change Michelle, Jenny and AJ will lead you through your own awakening to the truth that the failures of our corporations and institutions are a result of the implementation of the falsity and falsehood of the past.
Business leaders, corporations and their investors have grown accustomed to the illusion of isolation and separation. There is a powerful connection between the body, the mind, the breath and the spirit. Philosopher Dr David Hawkins states “in a world full of sleepers lost from their source, here there is a tool to recover that lost connection with the higher reality and demonstrate it for all to see.” We are all connected, and this is the program to lead you home.
Welcome. Let’s start a conversation to help support your leaders to becoming more conscious today. Click here to book a call now.
Conscious Human Leaders Whitepaper
Download the Conscious Human Leadership WHITEPAPER here