6.0. Resources6.1 Speaker6.2 Author Stage One: 1. Pick a topic and do a thorough literature review 2. Scope out your message uniqueness 3. Come up with 6 titles and bi-lines 4. Write 1000-1500 words on @ title , with a view to selling them to print media 5. Record an interview on each topic and sell to your network
Stage Two: 6. Create a table of contents and scope out relevant IP cards 7. Write front and back cover and get feedback on angle/content 8. Create and sell a column to print and/or electronic media 9. Design a $1000 product offering around your topic and market to your network 10.Decide on your production model and create a project schedule including critical stages
Stage Three: 11.Allocate funds and timetable the project 12.Recruit and brief a production team 13.Record and transcribe everything you do 14.Complete first book 15.Leverage one product into m

6.3. Trainer.

6.4. Coach.

6.5. Facilitator.

6.6. Mentor.