How to follow your passion and make your dreams come true
Today on the 10 Degree Shift I am going to share some tips with you on how to make your dreams and passions come true one shift at a time. Whether you want to write a book, build a house, travel the world, build a business, become a chef, climb a mountain, these tips will help you get there.
My philosophy in life is there is always an easier way, a way to get in the groove, to find your flow and to make those big dreams simple when you chunk it down into small, teeny tiny shifts. Very often we get caught up in the biggness of a goal – we get overwhelmed thinking we’ll never get there, it’s too hard, I won’t be able to stick to it along the path, I’m not good enough to build my dreams. But if we work with human psychology and just aim to shift one kilogram, write one page, build one brick at a time we will get there.
One of my first self published books
I followed this exact process to write my book pictured above - "It all starts with UQ Power" and since then I have authored and co-authored more than 10 books and card decks. The process is never all smooth and easy but it always follows this process and so if you apply the science of making small shifts regularly you will make it in the end.
Shift 5 of the 10 Degree Shifts is Clear Purpose and so step 1 is to get super clear on your goals and purpose. What exactly is it you want to do, be or create? My preference is to ink it not just think it, to specifically write down your goals in the form of a statement. My formula is to write down a goal as “It is now [enter date] and I have [name the goal]. I know this because [evidence – what will you see, feel, hear when you achieve the goal].
Then step 2 of the process is to reverse engineer the goal by breaking it down into tiny little shifts – what are all the small steps it will take to make shift happen? What are the monthly, weekly, daily steps you need to take to get you from where you are now to where you want to go? Want to transform your health and body? It’s one choice, one salad, one workout, one rep at a time. If you want to write a book break it down into one chapter, one page, one word at a time. Then to help with accountability create a spreadsheet, wall chart or checklist of all those micro steps so you can mark them off one shift a time. Progress not perfection is key and seeing progress keeps us committed.
Step 3 is to create some affirmations to support your goal attainment such as – “It is safe for me to dream big. It is safe for me to change my life. It is safe for me to improve my health. I am strong. I am healthy, happy and healed. I am a published author. I am so happy and grateful I made the shift.”
Whatever affirmations work for you write them down and say them twice daily – I say mine while I am driving anywhere in the car and it gets me excited to keep pushing and moving.
Whatever it is you want to do, be or a achieve it is possible if you just start making small shifts now. Get shifted, get happy, you’re welcome.