In November 2020 I had a Vibrational Frequency Analysis reading done by Elena Bensonoff and Alejandro Ferradas from Vibrational Revelations fame. These consciousness readings are based on a system designed by Elena and Alejandro that draws from the Consciousness Scale created by Dr. Hawkins. These readings do not make any factual claims about the subjects but only the opinion of Elena and Alejandro however they provide a very useful guide and lots of insight into your personal journey and history affecting your frequencies.
As at November 2020 I was at the frequency of 310 Willingness which is optimistic, hopeful and inspiring.
I was incarnated (my soul entered) at 450 Reason
At birth my frequency dropped to a frequency of 110 Fear due to my mother’s state and emotions at the time of birth.
My health were at 250 Neutrality
My finances were at 250 Neutrality
My relationships were at 310 Willingness
My personal growth was at 400 Reason
My philanthropy was at 210 Courage
My intuition was at 400 Reason
My creativity was at 500 Love which is my leading strength. My creativity was coming through with my work with clients and is inspiration in action.
60% of the time I am having fun with my role in life.
67% of the time I am in the present moment.
87% of the time I am in my ego from the inferior which means I had unprocessed emotions trapped since I was in utero and has been a defence mechanism.
93% of the time I was in my integrity
I was 86% self-aware
I was 82% in alignment with my divine purpose in life
I was 89% in alignment with my personal purpose in life
Elena’s advice to me was The more I trust my intuition the more my frequencies will raise and have the potential to go through the roof.
Also to not try to heal others so much but to have super clear boundaries and keep working on raising my own vibration and healing myself - the more I get to and stay in the frequency of joy and love by doing more creative play and being in nature I will radiate love, joy and freedom to others.